Inside chaos - chos inside

...for, the only thing that matters is to stay true to yourself... always remember who you are ... embrace life... embrace humanity... and evolve...
I'm thinking so much about the concept of letting go and its value. I'm promoting it to everybody and especially to myself.
Still as much as I'm thinking of it as many questions come into my mind. Let me capture just some of them:
One might say, we do not need answers to this questions, we just need to let go, this is the whole point! We need to stay with the question mark and enjoy the feeling!
...But it is so difficult! So difficult!
“On the other side of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there.” —Rumi
I hardly can recall any other moment in my life when I felt so much meaning inside myself and in what I am doing. I hardly can recall any other moment in my life when I felt I'm really walking on the right path; a path that seemed un-walked but where I am amazed from time to time to find a beautiful "other". It is such a warm feeling to see that you are not walking alone, to see how out of nowhere someone else is coming out of the dark walking along. It gives you so much strength.
The Solution Conference was for me an event that enabled me to see, to see my path clearer, to see clearer where it leads, to see that there are other people walking on it, some ahead, some nearby, some behind - but feeling, sensing these connections to all, feeling their souls craving for the same sun. It is difficult to describe the fulfillment, the warmth inside.
All this feel like a big secret or better said, a big mystery was revealed to myself: the moment when everything makes sense, when there is no single detail in the picture of my life that is random.
But I know that the chaos will come back. I pre-sense it...yet I've learned not to be afraid anymore, I've learned to embrace it...
"As out of chaos we were born / And will return to chaos"
Enjoy the journey!
I believe in transcendence through vision, I believe one can get in a state of "wholeness" while working with whole soul for what he/she believes in. From there comes all the fire and glancing, all that energy... from the fact that the action comes purely from within.
But these moments are temporary and everyone is sentenced to get back to the life as usual; to get back from a state of "God" to his or her weaknesses, to get back to the daily fight to stand straight in the middle of the river craving for the sun, for the next moment of shining as pure being.
The final state of the SOULUTION 2007 community, of all the people present was wonderful. I saw each and every person there, glancing; a community of people that understand the nobility of human nature, that feel part of the human family; a community of beautiful human beings hungry for light and connection. Once one has this image deep inside his/her soul, will act for the betterment of everyone.
And this is how I see my mission: to enable the people to blossom and to see the beauty in themselves and others; to enable people to embrace their humanity to embrace humanity.
Craving for the sun... Embracing humanity...