Question.Letting Go

I'm thinking so much about the concept of letting go and its value. I'm promoting it to everybody and especially to myself.
Still as much as I'm thinking of it as many questions come into my mind. Let me capture just some of them:
- Is letting go real letting go? Or it is actually running into something else?
- Are there limits of letting go? And if not how about the moral standards? How about our effect on people that might be hurt by our moments of letting go?
- Are we as human beings really capable of letting go? And I mean here a continuous state of letting go.
- Can it happen that we try so hard to let go till we can not find the things we let go anymore?
One might say, we do not need answers to this questions, we just need to let go, this is the whole point! We need to stay with the question mark and enjoy the feeling!
...But it is so difficult! So difficult!
“On the other side of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there.” —Rumi